2024 IFC Executive Council


Gavin Rich
Hometown: San Diego, CA
House: Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Major: Business Economics (Value Investing Concentration)
Interests: Surfing, Marathon Running, Poker, Padres Baseball
Contact: president@ifcucla.com
Internal Vice President

Christian Hope
Hometown: Carlsbad, CA
House: Sigma Nu
Major: Cognitive Science
Interests: Rock Climbing, Piano, Spikeball, Hiking, Swimming, Super Smash Bros
Contact: ivp@ifcucla.com
VP of Recruitment

Preston Boswell
Hometown: Visalia, CA
House: Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Major: Political Science
Minor: Entrepreneurship
Interests: commercial real estate, basketball, music production
Contact: recruitment@ifcucla.com
Chief Justice

Cooper Hempstead​
Hometown: Newport Beach, CA
House: Sigma Chi
Major: Business Economics
Minor: Data Science Engineering
Interests: 49ers, Espresso/Coffee, The Twilight Zone
Contact: chiefjustice@ifcucla.com
VP of Risk Management

Will Holzer
Hometown: Chicago, IL
House: Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Major: Political Science & Statistics/Data Science
Interests: Skiing, Volleyball, Camping
Contact: risk@ifcucla.com
VP of Finance

Alex Vu
Hometown: Newport Beach, CA
House: Zeta Beta Tau
Major: Business Economics
Minor: History
Interests: Lifting, House Music, Football
Contact: treasurer@ifcucla.com
Associate Justice

Shoh Nishino
Hometown: Glen Ridge, NJ
House: Theta Xi
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Interests: Robotics, Soccer, Hiking, Backpacking, Photography, Skiing, Music
Associate Justice

Ivan Stoner​
Hometown: Huntington Beach, CA
House: Sigma Chi
Major: Human Biology and Society
Interests: Snowboarding, Scuba Diving, Traveling
External Vice President

Brady Judson
Hometown: Pleasanton, CA
House: Phi Kappa Psi
Major: Psychobiology
Interests: Music, Sports, Cooking, Reading, Dentistry
Contact: vpexternal@ifcucla.com
Chief of Staff

Nick Bailey
Hometown: Manhattan Beach, CA
House: Phi Kappa Psi
Major: Computer Science
Interests: AI, software development, music, finance
Contact: chiefofstaff@ifcucla.com
VP of Media & Outreach

Jerry Marnell
Hometown: Carmel, CA
House: Phi Kappa Psi
Major: Mathematics/Economics
Interests: Filmmaking, Distance Running, March Madness Brackets
Contact: mediaoutreach@ifcucla.com
VP of Scholarship

Anish Marripati
Hometown: Torrance, CA
House: Sigma Nu
Major: Human Biology and Society
Interests: sports medicine, regenerative medicine, hiking, food
Contact: scholarship@ifcucla.com
VP of Programming

Louie Latosquin
Hometown: Palm Springs, CA
House: Delta Sigma Phi
Major: Biochemistry
Interests: Surgical Medicine, Beach, Music, Hiking, Traveling
Contact: progamming@ifcucla.com
VP of Philanthropy

Thomas Lockhartt
Hometown: San Diego, CA
House: Sigma Chi
Major: Statistics/Data Science & Philosophy
Interests: sports, music, film, cooking
Contact: vpphilanthropy@ifcucla.com
Associate Justice

Jenaro Rodriquez
Hometown: Loma Linda, CA
House: Beta Theta Pi
Major: Economics
Interests: Basketball, Finance, American History, Boxing, Blackjack
Associate Justice

Preston Boswell
Hometown: Visalia, CA
House: Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Major: Political Science
Minor: Entrepreneurship
Interests: commercial real estate, basketball, music production