Fall 2022 Recruitment
Welcome to the Interfraternity Council’s Fall 2022 Recruitment!
We are excited for you to take the first step of joining our community. Fall 2022 Recruitment will be conducted through Society, which you can download here: https://www.createyoursociety.com/download/
A walkthrough showing how to use Society is located at the bottom of this page.
If you have any questions with the recruitment process, please don’t hesitate to contact Jack Pearce, VP Recruitment, through the chat function within the app.
After you sign up for rush, you will become prospective new members (PNMs), and will have embarked on your journey of finding your group of brothers. If a chapter believes you are a good fit for their fraternity, you will be extended a bid (a formal invitation to join a fraternity).
The official IFC rush period will be from September 19-24, during week 0 of fall quarter.
Sept. 19: Rush Orientation
IFC President and VP Recruitment will outline the rush process and what the fraternity experience at UCLA entails.
Sept. 20-21: Grouped Rush
Due the large number of PNMs, you will be split into two groups. Each group will be able to visit half the chapters on one day, and then the other half the next day.
Note that bids cannot be extended on these days.
Sept. 22-24: Open Rush
During the last three days, you will be allowed to visit any house you want without restrictions. We encourage you to spend more time at each house that you were interested in from the first two days. You will engage in deeper conversations during these final three days that will help you and the chapter determine if there is a good fit.
Bids may be extended during these days.
What if you are extended a bid?
You have three options when you receive a bid. 1) Accept the bid and become a new member of the fraternity. 2) Hold the bid and take more time to make your decision of whether or not to join a chapter. 3) Reject the bid.
You may not accept more than one bid. Doing so may disqualify you from recruitment.
Feel free to reach out with any questions by contacting us through Society or through our contact form on this website.